Sunday, September 26, 2010

Snappy September - Day Twenty Six - Learning for myself

We know that billionaires and millionaires and playboys and heiresses and internet marketing genuises and falled movie stars always tell us that money can't buy happiness but I'd really like to find that out for myself.

I'd also like - during those heady times when the price of passionfruit goes down from the ridiculous $1.69 each to a crazy and Kath-affordable-every-now-and-then-as-a-treat-and-departure-from-chocolate-price-of-$5.99-for-a-bag-of-ten - to cut them open and find that all of them have actual, well, fruit in them!


River said...

Passionfruit with no passion.
Perhaps you could put some trellis up against the side of your shed and plant a passionfruit vine? The flowers are really beautiful, and then of course you get the fruit.
Have you tried banana passionfruit?

Cat J B said...

Oh, bummer! I have to fight my 2 yr old for passionfruit, he loves them more than me I suspect...

Vanessa said...

Never trust fruit bought in a bag! They always hide the overripe or dodgy fruit in the middle. Just planted our own vine this year so hoping to have heaps in a year or so. Also planted our own seedless grape vine. mmmmm

Kath Lockett said...

I didn't River, but should have - I'm shy like that and admired Kramer on Seinfeld for complaining about his peaches. Then again, he did get banned from the store....

Cat, my grandpa used to have a huge vine and give me heaps when he was still around, *sigh*. ALL of them were full of the sweetest, juiciest seeds.

Vanessa maybe I should trying growing my own again? Last time we did, the 'boy' vine (they had a female and male grafted together I think) completely took over and it produced a grand total of three fruit in seven years - all on my neighbour's side!